Conference and Panel Presentations
Invited Plenary Panel Speaker. “Technologies of Visibility: The Practice of Dialogo, Testimonio y Performance” with Arcelia Hurtado, and Stephanie Alvarez Martinez. Summer Institute Mujeres Activas en Letras y Cambio Social (MALCS) the publisher of The Journal of Chicana and Latina Studies. July 20. University of California Santa Barbara.
Panelist speaker. “Mujeres de Maiz: Talking and Walking Otr@ Artivism from LA to AZ,” with Felicia Montez and Margaret Alarcon. Summer Institute Mujeres Activas en Letras y Cambio Social (MALCS) the publisher of The Journal of Chicana and Latina Studies. July 20. University of California Santa Barbara.
“Chicana, Music and Consciousness” with Nancy “Rusty” Barcello, Carmen Cristina Moreno, and Brenda Romero. Society for the Study of Gloria Anzaldua (SSGA), May 17-20th. University of San Antonio Texas.
Panelist Speaker. “Making a Scene, Building Communities: Conversations about Women Who Rock” with Nicole Leigh-Robert, and Monica De La Torre. National Women’s Studies Association (NWSA). November 10-13. Atlanta, Georgia.
Panelist Speaker. “Testimoniando: Women of Color Share Stories of Resistance and Creating Spaces in Academia” with Noralis Rodriguez-Coss, Monica De La Torre and Dr. Angela Ginorio. National Women’s Studies Association (NWSA). November 10-13. Atlanta, Georgia.
Presenter. “Mixing in the Kitchen: Transnational Feminine Music Composition” f or panel entitled “Technology Moves: Knowledge Production as Participatory Art” with Dr. Angela Ginorio, Calla Chancellor, Nicole Leigh Robert. National Women’s Studies Association (NWSA). November 10-13. Atlanta, Georgia.
Presenter. “Testimonio in Song: Collective Songwriting as Knowledge Production” for panel entitled “Violence Girl” with Alice Bag and Dr. Michelle Habell-Pallan. Mujeres Activas en Letras y Cambio Social (MALCS). August 3-5. California State University Los Angeles. Los Angeles, CA.
Presenter. “Testimonio in Song: Collective Songwriting as Knowledge Production” for “Violence Girl” with Alice Bag and Dr. Michelle Habell-Pallan. Lady Fest. University of California Riverside August 6.
Presenter. “Testimonio in Song: Collective Songwriting as Knowledge Production” Women Who Rock: Making Scenes Building Communities First Annual Conference. February 18-19. University of Washington and Seattle University, Seattle WA.
Presenter. “Seattle Fandango Project” The Society for Ethnomusicology at the University of Washington Seattle. February 11.
Presenter. “Mixing in the Kitchen: Transnational Feminine Musical Compositions” for The Women of Color Collective (WOCC) second annual conference, Dialoguing Difference. University of Washington, Seattle. June 5.
Panel Presenter. “Mixing in the Kitchen: Transnational Feminine Compositions” for Experience Music Project Pop Conference: The Pop machine: Music+Technology. April 17. Seattle, WA.
Presenter. “Fandango Sin Fronteras: Convening Community “ in TedX: Ideas Worth Knowing a Seattle specific broadcast the worldwide Ted X. Through Social Technologies: Stories from Puget Sound to Cape Town. April 16, 2010. Pacific Science Center, Eames IMAX Theater. Seattle WA.
Panel Presenter. “Technologia de Cedro: Fandango as a Technology for Community Building and Social Activism” at the Imagining America: Artists and Scholars in Public Life National Conference titled; Convergence Zones: Public Cultures and Translocal Practices. Sept. Seattle, Washington.
Presenter. “Mujeres de Maiz: Transnational Inspiration for Local Community Building Artivistas” at the National Association of Chicano Chicana Studies (NACCS) April 9. Seattle WA.
Presenter. “The Collective Artistic Practice as a De-Colonial Act” for a panel titled: Case studies in Representation and Difference: the Specificity of Intersectionality at the International Conference for Young Academics titled Race, Class, Gender as categories of difference and inequality: Which Perspectives Arise from the Concept of ‘Intersectionality’ for Human and Cultural Sciences? CIERRA /University of Erfurt. Paris, France.
Presenter. “Zapateado Migrations: The African presence , Resistance, Metamorphosis and Manifestation in Performance” for “Cornbread and Cuchifritos: Ethnic Identity Politics, Transnationalization, and Trans-culturation in American Urban Popular Music” . Center for Interdisciplinary Research, Bielefeld University, Germany.
Presenter. “Zapateado Migrations: African Presence, Migration, Metamorphosis, and Manifestation in Performance” at the 2009 Society of Ethnomusicology Conference in Mexico City, November 22. (Paper read through proxy due to illness).
Presenter. “Zapateado Migrations: Africa, Resistance, metamorphosis and Manifestation in Performance” for The Women of Color Collective (WOCC) first annual conference, Dialoguing Difference. University of Washington, Seattle. June 5.
Keynote Panelist “Ritmo and Blues: Hidden Histories Shaking up ‘American’ Pop” with Louie Perez, Raul Pacheco, El Vez, Michelle Habell-Pallan, Shanon Dudley and Marisol Berrios-Miranda. Pop Conference Shake, Rattle: Music, Conflict, and Change. Experience Music Project. Seattle WA. April
Panelist: Rescate and Transnational Intercambios in Mexicano/Chicano Music Cultures. Facilitators: Professor Estevan Azcona and Alex Chavez Panelists: Ramon Gutierrez Hernandez, Laura Rebolloso Cuellar, Guillermo Velazquez, Maria Isabel Flores Solano, Quetzal Flores, Cesar Castro, Raul Orduna, and Marco Amador. February. The University of Texas at Austin.
Presenter. “Abriendo Brecha III: Activist Scholarship Conference on Crisis, Politics, and Performance” in the Americas 16-18 February. The University of Texas at Austin.
Invited panelist. Performing Mexicanidades: Popular Culture in a Transnational Context, November 19 University of California Santa Cruz.
Presenter. The Smithsonian Center for Folk life and Cultural Heritage annual American Festival, Music in Latino Culture Program. April 5 – July 11. Washington, D.C.
Panelist. “Chicano Music and Culture”. Waseda University. July. Tokyo, Japan
Panelist. “Women that Rock!” for the Women Studies Center California State University Los Angeles. Los Angeles, CA.